Dec 21, 2017


Parking lot etiquette is something that is a dying art, in my humble opinion. Seriously, I can drive through a parking lot and everyone in it is behaving like animals. Walking down the middle of the lane, stealing spots, honking incessantly – it’s like going to the zoo! I am just trying to buy some cabbage, here! I did not sign up for this!!! Everyone, please. Read this. Learn some basic etiquette, if not for my sake then for the sake of my poor cabbages, who had to be exposed to this behavior on our way home.

  1. Only take up one space. If you notice that you are overlapping a line, it takes a quick second to pull out and readjust yourself. And then someone else can park and not think to themselves, “what a jerk!”

  2. If your vehicle is too wide to fit into one space, park further out so that people whose cars can fit in the space can park safely and properly.

  3. When you are a pedestrian, stick to one side of the lane for walking. Even if you have a buggy, don’t walk right down the middle of the lane. That’s just plain rude.

  4. When trying to find a parking spot, take turns. Share!! We learned this in kindergarten. If someone has been waiting for a spot before you saw it, let them have it. There will be another open spot!

  5. Use common courtesy and the world will thank you.


Remember the manners your mama taught you? Remember them next time you’re in the parking lot. Thank you!