Apr 20, 2023

We here at Younger Toyota know that you’ve got a busy schedule. With work, school, a busy social life, and so much more, your sleep schedule may be detrimentally affected. Many drivers don’t realize when they are too tired to drive. They may think they can push through the fatigue or rely on caffeine to keep them alert. However, recognizing the signs of drowsy driving is essential to preventing car crashes and staying safe on the road. Here are some signs that you may be too tired to drive:

  • Yawning frequently or rubbing your eyes.
  • Having trouble keeping your eyes open or focused.
  • Drifting between lanes or onto the shoulder of the road.
  • Missing exits or turns.
  • Having trouble remembering the last few miles driven.
  • Accelerating or decelerating without intention

If you notice any of these signs while driving, pull over and take a break. Don’t rely on caffeine or other stimulants to keep you awake – they may mask the symptoms of fatigue but won’t address the underlying problem. Remember, drowsy driving is a serious issue that affects your safety and the safety of others on the road.