Jan 5, 2024

We know you have probably already started planning your 2024 adventures and we want to help you pass the time. This week, we have listed out our favorite car games that will have you focused on the game and less focused on the clock! Check out those games below and be sure to stop in for a service appointment before heading out on the open road. Or schedule a test drive when you’re ready to upgrade your drive in a new Toyota!

Roadtrip Games To Play During Your 2024 Adventures:

License Plate Map:

  • Before leaving home, grab a clipboard, a printed out copy of the U.S. map that is blank, and some fun colored-pencils! When you see a license plate from a specific plate, color in the state and continue the search to see if you can color in all 50 states! Not only will this help the kiddos locate where the states are on the map but it will also keep them entertained for hours!

I Spy:

  • My favorite game and I’m sure it is one of your favorites as well! One person begins with saying, “I spy with my little eye….” and follows up with one clue of what the object might be that they are looking at. Take turns going through the cabin giving everyone a guess, the person to guess the object correctly wins the game and gets to start the next round!

The Alphabet Race:

  • Designate a passenger to start the game and have them pick one letter from the alphabet, whoever spots an object that begins with that letter out the window first (grass, billboard, cows, for example) gets to begin the next round. This game has no true winner but will help pass the time especially with small children who are beginning to associate letters with objects.

20 Questions:

  • Who doesn’t love 20 questions? Hopefully, this is a game you remember but if not, let’s refresh! One passenger thinks of an object or a person. The other passengers then take turns guessing who/ or what the person, place or thing might be. All of the guesses must be answered with either a simple yes or no answer. After each passenger makes a guess, the guesser gets ONE chance to guess at what the first passenger might be thinking of. The passenger who guesses correctly wins and starts the next round!